Stevenson Overall Co.
- DualComfort Cotton Tank - DT
- Color: Natural
Fabric: Double layer Cotton Jersey (Cotton 100%)
Size: S, M, L, XL, XXL
Price: \7480
表と裏で2 枚のコットン素材を貼り合わせたダブルフェイスの接結生地は、生地そのものが肌触りが良く、吸水性や保温性も高まることで、秋冬のインナーとしても頼りになる1 着になっています。
A tank top made from double-faced fabric by bonding two layers of cotton, resulting in a moderately thick garment. The design is inspired by vintage tank tops issued by the U.S. military, reimagined as casual wear rather than underwear, with a sturdy construction.
The double-faced grafted fabric, consisting of two pieces of cotton material bonded together on the front and back, makes it a dependable innerwear for fall and winter, as the fabric itself is pleasant to the touch and increases water absorbency and warmth retention.